Rediscovering Thankfulness
With the holiday season headed straight towards us, and Thanksgiving a matter of just a few more weeks away, thankfulness regains it’s somewhat precarious fingerhold in our lives.
It’s a necessary reminder. I know my thankfulness erodes through the year like a sandy bluff, battered by the tidal ebb and flow of life. I have good days and bad days, overwhelming days and productive days, thankful days and days when I have a terrible attitude. Even knowing I’ve been blessed beyond all that I could ever have imagined for myself, this bent, human mind of mine dwells too easily on the discouraging. November is an opportunity to refresh and refocus on the many blessings in life.
Looking forward to some fun thanksgiving activities with the kids too! My personal thankfulness project is to write a paragraph each day and draw the kids into the discussion. It’s never too early to learn thankfulness! How about you? Do you do anything special to reclaim thankfulness as we head into the holidays?