The Mommy Groove
This week has been fantastic. I felt like I finally had a groove going where I was balancing the kids, the housework, my editing, and some studying and nothing was particularly neglected or all-encompassing. For me at least, I think it boils down to having a good routine and sticking to it. For example, every morning I get up at 5:30 or a little earlier with my Superman, and we have our coffee (which is already brewed, thanks to the modern miracle of timed coffeepots). I drink my coffee, make my to-do list for the day, and take a little quiet time to read and pray that I’ll have another decent day of mothering and not screw the kids up too badly. Around 6:15, I make a quick breakfast, and Sophia usually gets up around then, so the next 45 minutes are spent taking care of her and deciding what workout I’m going to so. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays are heavy cardio, so I find some intense HIIT workout by Fitness Blender and go to town. If it’s Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday, I do power yoga. Exercise happens from 7-8. And then I usually feel ready to conquer the world–or at least the messy living room and piles of laundry. When I have that morning routine, my day rocks.
And when that groove is thrown off, I want to throw everything out the window (can you tell we just watched The Emperor’s New Groove this week?!)
This morning I got up, and the coffee wasn’t done because I didn’t get the dishes done last night. The dishes weren’t done so it was difficult to rinse out the coffee pot and throw out the grounds. Even after I got it started, I had to WAIT 15 minutes for my coffee. Sophiapea woke up before I was even sitting down drinking it, and as if that wasn’t groove-throwing enough, K-man woke up before I finished my yoga hour.
Yes. Groove is officially off for today. So today will be spent running around hills (the house) and falling down mountain crevices (okay, a comparison is eluding me on that one) and trying to find my groove again.
Please, God, let it be at the bottom of the coffee pot.
1 thought on “The Mommy Groove”
And your such a great mountain climber !